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Senator Rest Named E-Fairness Champion

MnRA recognises Rest for support of marketplace fairness

After a multi-year effort to level the playing field for retailers, the Minnesota Legislature passed e-fairness in the final hours of the session.

At our 15th Annual Legislative Wrap-Up Golf Tournament last Tuesday, the Minnesota Retailers Association (MnRA) named State Senator Ann Rest an "E-Fairness Champion" for her commitment to seeing this legislation through the process and making it stronger along the way.

Senator Rest's efforts resulted in Governor Mark Dayton signing e-fairness in to law as part of the tax bill on May 23, 2013. Retailers thank Senator Rest for her efforts to revise Minnesota's tax code around today's business model while recognizing that a sale is a sale.  
The Minnesota Retailers Association is pleased to present Senator Ann Rest our E-Fairness Champion award for her work to level the playing field for our brick-and-mortar retailers. We recognize Senator Rest's leadership in a multi-year effort to educate legislators and Minnesotans about the need to modernize our sales tax system when it comes to treating all sales equally.  For her distinctive leadership on e-fairness, retailers across Minnesota say thank you.

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About the Author

Bruce Nustad

Bruce Nustad is president of the Minnesota Retailers Association.

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